What problems can Big Data solve?

Depending on whom you ask, Big data is solving a variety of problems. As the UN Global Pulse initiative sees it, big data allows “…decision makers to track development progress, improve social protection, and understand where existing policies and programmes require adjustment.” [Big Data for Development: Challenges & Opportunities, p4, May 2012. Download PDF]. Big […]

“Dogs” vs. “Cats”, or: if you don’t read this article, we’ll shoot this dog!

Contrary to popular belief – and contrary to the recently started controversial discussions about “Catvertising” and “Kittywood” (more on that topic a bit further down in this post) it is a widely ignored fact that searches for <<dog>> or <<“dog video”>> outnumber the searches for <<cat>> or <<“cat video”>>. So: why the hell is everybody […]

Analyze this!, or: a customer’s briefing

“Hi. We are planning to open a bunch of hairdresser salons in various locations in Germany. We’ve dug out some data and are about to evaluate some good locations at the moment. We were wondering whether you would want to help us.” – “Sure. What’ve you got?” “Well – here’s some data for you: <<Amount […]