How the cookie crumbles

A lot of wise stuff has been written about the appliance of the EU Directive 2009/136/EC, often commonly referred to as the “cookie law”. One of the most thriving discussions I have followed happened and happens at Brian Clifton’s blog (with a follow-up post summarizing the discussion – here). A very catchy and interesting contribution […]

Making your newsletters more relevant

There are plenty of blog posts out there labeled “How to increase your newsletter open rate” – and depending on from the blog post’s date you get advice that “40-50 per cent makes a great open rate” (or: 20. Or 10. It depends on which industry are in, largely. On the maturity of your market. […]

A video about “Data and Context”

Can you give a presentation on a Web Analytics Association event without mentioning the term “Web Analytics” more than once? Well – see for yourself in this Youtube video (3 parts, about 30 minutes total). First part here: This presentation mentions pygmies, dragons, and in general revolves around some core ideas in medieval and renaissance […]

Analyze this!, or: a customer’s briefing

“Hi. We are planning to open a bunch of hairdresser salons in various locations in Germany. We’ve dug out some data and are about to evaluate some good locations at the moment. We were wondering whether you would want to help us.” – “Sure. What’ve you got?” “Well – here’s some data for you: <<Amount […]

The seven deadly sins in Web Analytics, part 7/7

7. Greed (Avaritia) [editorial note: since I began to write this article in early December, quite many announcements have been made which seem to fit this topic perfectly. As a side effect, the article’s original intent (ranting/bullying about certain common misconceptions and vanity power play which exploit structures in Web Analytics) has vanished more and […]