Contextual knowledge?

I live as a foreigner in Finland. My OS language is English, my browser language is English, but even when browsing German media sites, I get Finnish advertising. Context used wrong. Or, more profoundly: wrong context used. Since the advent of mobile browsing (fun fact: 74% of all web traffic is said to be mobile […]

“Please install the Messenger app”, or: On monetizing the newsfeed

(for convenient reading, all external links in this article open in a new browser tab) So: Facebook has started pushing their users to download and install the separate “Messenger” app by now. Users seem to greatly despise this, as the consistently bad reviews on the AppStore show (ratings look slightly better on GooglePlay), and I […]

The Facebook App on iOS: How to ruin your user experience

Intro: A (still useful) way to describe a user interface Nearly twenty-five years ago, a widely acknowledged book was published: “The Art of Human Computer Interface Design”, edited by Brenda Laurel. It contained a wide range of essays and articles about all different aspects of designing interfaces. In there, a barely recognized (?) article was […]

Disruption killed the radio star

Imagine the car industry would tomorrow set up a similar campaign as the UK music industry did in the Eighties with their “home taping is killing music” campaign. This automobile campaign’s tagline could then be: “Car sharing is killing engineering”, possibly re-using a similar black-and-white composite stencil visual, complete with a jolly roger featuring a […]