This service map visualizes different stages of user involvement on a surface, with consideration of individual use and social use of offered contents.
The sequence of distinct content/service descriptions from bottom to top represents an increasing degree of user involvement with their respective interactions in the individual space (left, “I”) and the social space (right, “S”). The question mark is indicating that there seems to be no user action in the social dimension which is equivalent to “Search” in the individual dimension (at least I couldn’t think of any. Ideas, anybody?).
The service stages are differentiated by technical enabler steps with increased system complexity from step to step. Labels are hard to read: “HTML”; “Flash”, “Backend”, “DL app”, “User mgmt.”, “Conv. mgmt.”. “TAF” in the social dimension stands for “Tell-a-friend”.
Such a map could be used for assessing how rich a service or site is in terms of enabling different stages of user engagement and interaction with the service, if the occurrence of funnel entries and concluding actions per stage would be visualized, too.
PS.: Pardon my bad hand-writing. It really is a scribble. And a lousy scan, too.