Tool obsession

The longer I am working with symbol analytics (of which Web Analytics happens to only be a small sub set) the less I can understand the form of obsession people have with their Web Analytics tools.

To put it bluntly: you’re not concerned about your car as a tool – it hosts five seats and a trunk, but you don’t insist on having all five placed laid out while you are carrying loads of stuff in your trunk while you’re driving.

You’re not concerned that you use all functions and features of your favourite spreadsheet application. Either you can generate the tables and calculations that you need or you can’t.

Web Analytics tools genuinely seem to trigger a strange obsession whether people “are using the tool the right way and to its fullest extent”.

Maybe this tool obsession is fueled by the same form of superstition than web site owners’ hopes that “Web Analytics can tell us how we’re doing and what works and what doesn’t”.

First define what you’re aiming at with your web site, please. What is it that makes things “work” for your business? Everything else comes after that.
And when it comes to tools: the sharpest Analytics tool set I ever came across is an accurately sharpened pencil and a piece of paper.